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Among the most important commitments of the year 2020 for Miguel Campos Neto, we can highlight his debut as an opera conductor on international stages with Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci in the “Opera Grand Avignon” in the south of France and a national tour involving the symphony orchestras in Rio de Janeiro (OSB), Belo Horizonte (OSMG), Goiania (OSG), Manaus (AF) and Belém (OSTP).

The year 2019 was marked by his return to the International Summer Course in Brasília as a professor and conductor of the closing symphony orchestra, his return to La Sierra University (California) as a visiting professor of orchestra practice and his debut as conductor of opera in São Paulo (The Christmas Turkey of Leonardo Martinelli-Theatro São Pedro).

With a degree in conducting from the Mannes College of Music in New York, Campos Neto began his tenth season as principal conductor of the Theatro da Paz Symphony Orchestra (Belém) and musical director of the Theatro da Paz Opera Festival, also serves as holder of the Altino Pimenta Symphony Orchestra (Federal University of Pará) and the Wilson Fonseca Symphony Orchestra (Santarém).

He also served for 12 years as principal conductor of the Jovem Vale Música orchestra and continues his relationship with this orchestra as a guest conductor. With performances at the two most important opera festivals in Brazil (Manaus and Belém), he has already accumulated a remarkable operatic repertoire, and counts 6 releases on DVD of fully staged operas.

As a guest he has conducted national and international orchestras such as: Avignon Symphony Orchestra (France), Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra, Mulhouse Symphony Orchestra (France) Savaria Symphony (Hungary), Dana Point Symphony and The University of Missouri Chamber Soloists (USA), and the brazilian orchestras of the Mato Grosso, Rio Grande do Norte, Amazonas, Theatro São Pedro (SP), Teatro Nacional (Brasília), Minas Gerais, Heliópolis (SP), Experimental de Repertório (SP), Municipal of Campinas and the Symphonic of the UNICAMP.