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Damiano D’Ambrosio was born in 1943 in Montescaglioso, Matera (MT), in the Basilicata region of Italy. He moved to Rome after teaching composition in several conservatories including “Rossini” in Pesaro and “Cherubini” in Florence. He studied with Raffaele Gervasio and earned the Diploma in Composition, Choral Music, Choir Direction, and Band Orchestration.

He worked for the theatre (with stage music for ‘Yerma’ by Garcia Lorca), and wrote many orchestral, chamber music, and choral scores. He recorded ‘Sono vita senza confine, Canti del Buddha,’ ‘Serenata per la cucina italiana’ and ‘Il Canto dei Sassi, cartoline sinfoniche da Matera’ for the record label Fabbrica della Pace Nobile.

For the new record label “FareLive” he recorded ‘Sassicanto,’ a polyphonic reworking of popular songs from the Matera region, and a double CD ‘Da una partita all’altra, musica da camera a Palazzo Lanfranchi’ and ‘Seirenes’ for orchestra. The selections on the CD reflect paintings included in the exhibition ‘Sirene’ by the Roman painter Claudio Bonichi.

In 2014 D’Ambrosio published ‘Tempora’ for soprano voice, clarinet, and piano, which was produced by the Conservatory “Egidio Romualdo Duni” in Matera for the Labsonic label.